Charles Martin-Krumm | PresidentFrance
Charles Martin-Krumm is a professor and researcher specializing in positive psychology, particularly in the fields of education, health, and sports. He is particularly interested in the impact of optimism, motivation, and resilience on well-being and performance. An author and speaker, he is also co-president of the French Association of Positive Psychology and a recipient of the IPPA Fellow Award.

Elisabeth Grimaud | Executive SecretaryFrance
Elisabeth Grimaud has a PhD in cognitive psychology. She is also trained as a linguist specializing in textual analysis, dietician and sports educator. She is a lecturer at the EPP school in Paris, France, and a research associate at the VCR laboratory. Her scientific interests focus on a multidisciplinary approach to cognitive reserve factors and successful aging, using qualitative approaches. Elisabeth is also co-president of the Association Française et francophone de Psychologie Positive (AFfPP).

Marta Bassi | Past PresidentItaly
Marta Bassi, PhD, is associate professor of general psychology at the University of Milano, Italy. Her research interests primarily focus on optimal experience and its role in psychological selection. She has conducted research concerning individuals’ quality of experience in areas such as education, leisure and health. She is a founding member of the Italian Society of Positive Psychology (SIPP) and of the European Flow Researcher’s Network (EFRN).

Charles Martin-KrummFrance
Charles Martin-Krumm is full Professor in Psychology at the Ecole de Psychologues Praticiens de Paris (EPP). He is the director of the Vulnerability, Capability, Recovery research team at EPP. He is researcher at INSERM INSPIIRE UDL in University of Lorraine and associate at the Institut de Recherche Biomédicale des Armées (IRBA), in Brétigny. He is received the Fellow Award of the International Positive Psychology Association. Author of eleven books in psychology and sport sciences, and more than a hundred scientific publications, his research themes are related to quality of life and education in the fields of school, physical activity and sports, health and organisations.

Helena Águeda MarujoPortugal
Helena Águeda Marujo has a PhD in Psychology (Psychotherapy and Educational Counselling) from the University of Lisbon. She is an Associate Professor at the Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Lisbon, where she holds the positions of Executive Coordinator of Masters and PhDs in Human Resources Development Policies, originator and Scientific Coordinator of the MAPP Program and where she is an integrated researcher of the Centre for Administration and Public Policy (CAPP) and member of the Ethics Committee. She is Coordinator of the UNESCO Chair in Education for Sustainable Global Peace at the University of Lisbon. She is a member of the Advisory Board of the International Positive Psychology Association. Author of hundreds of scientific publications on positive psychology, positive community interventions, relational goods, public happiness, positive organizations and positive peace.

Matthew Smith UK
Matthew Smith is an Associate Professor and founding member of the Centre for Positive Psychology at Buckinghamshire New University (BNU), having co-developed the MSc Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP) at BNU since 2012. His research interests span positive psychology, applied social psychology, and exceptional human experience. Recent work has brought these interests together in exploring how ideas within positive psychology might impact upon people’s experiences of ‘luck’.

Jolanta BurkeIreland
Dr Jolanta Burke (PhD) is Chartered Psychologist (BPS), an award-winning researcher specialising in Positive Psychology and a Senior Lecturer at the Centre for Positive Health Sciences, RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences in Ireland. She leads a Good Life research lab and her team explores ways in which positive activities can be
applied to maximise health and wellbeing impact. Her team has received research funding from such organisations as European Commission, Science Foundation Ireland, Health Research Board, Enterprise Ireland, or Irish Research Council. She has authored over 10 books, her research was published in over 100 publications, including the Guardian, Irish Independent, New Zealand Evening Herald and appeared on CNN, Fox News, Sky News, RTE and other TV channels. She writes an invited blog for Psychology Today and the Conversation, where her articles have reached over 2.5 million readers. She was acknowledged by the Irish Times as one of 30 people who make Ireland a better place.
applied to maximise health and wellbeing impact. Her team has received research funding from such organisations as European Commission, Science Foundation Ireland, Health Research Board, Enterprise Ireland, or Irish Research Council. She has authored over 10 books, her research was published in over 100 publications, including the Guardian, Irish Independent, New Zealand Evening Herald and appeared on CNN, Fox News, Sky News, RTE and other TV channels. She writes an invited blog for Psychology Today and the Conversation, where her articles have reached over 2.5 million readers. She was acknowledged by the Irish Times as one of 30 people who make Ireland a better place.

Corinna PeiferGermany
Corinna Peifer is Professor of Work and Organizational Psychology at the University of Lübeck, Germany and leads the research group Work and Health. At the interface between Organizational Psychology and Psychobiology, her research interests include topics such as flow experience, stress management and well-being at work. She is an active and founding member of the European Flow Researcher’s Network and German National Representative for the European Network of Positive Psychology (ENPP), as well as Vice President of the German Society for Positive Psychological Research (DGPPF).

Alena SlezackovaCzech Republic
Alena Slezackova, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Psychology at the Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. Her scientific interests include mainly hope, mental health, and well-being. She also has a special interest in the research and practice of mindfulness. Alena is a founder and director of the Czech Positive Psychology Centre (CPPC), a member of the Advisory Council of the International Positive Psychology Association (IPPA), and the Country Representative for the Czech Republic in the European Network for Positive Psychology (ENPP). She has been a member of several international research projects and she likes to communicate, exchange experiences, and share knowledge with colleagues and students from abroad.